I've always been fascinated by JFK and, to some extent, the whole Hyannis Port clan. When I was a kid in school, whenever we had to write a report on a famous person, I would always choose JFK or Abraham Lincoln. I guess I'm drawn to leaders who serve justly, and pay the ultimate price for their service. In fact, I love and serve One. Anyway, here are a few things I picked up while watching this part of American history unfold 45min. or so at a time.
God uses flawed leaders.
There's no getting around the fact that JFK had at least one area of his life that was out of control. Some might blame his upbringing or his good looks or the stress of leading the free world...I blame him. He wasn't faithful to his wife, and that is wrong no matter the accent or political party or work-related stress. The fact remains, however, that he was an effective leader. God seems to have a habit of using leaders (female & male) who have failed Him and others miserably, (check out the Old Testament). Why? Well, when you think about it, if God didn't use flawed leaders, who would He use?
Courageous leaders aren't always fearless.
Before he entered politics, JFK served in the Navy as a PT boat Commander during WWII. Late one night, his vessel was rammed by a Destroyer, and he and his crew had to swim to an island and await rescue. His heroic service most definitely helped to eventually propel him into the White House, but that didn't mean he never again had reason to fear. Kennedy wasn't even president for a full four year term, but his administration faced its share of tough calls. From the Bay of Pigs, to race riots, to the Cuban Missile Crisis, to threats on his life, JFK experienced fear - and responded with courage.
Good leaders gather trus

(and usually take their advice).
In the interest of fairness and balanced-ness, I wrote about Lincoln's Team of Rivals in the 6th shot of A.I.M. While Kennedy didn't copy Abe's style in cabinet choice, he did choose a team of advisors he trusted. With all the troubling threats (both foreign and domestic), Kennedy would've been foolish to go it alone. Nobody is an expert on everything. Time after time, when faced with a seemingly "no win" decision to make, Kennedy listened to the various viewpoints around the table, and then made a decision. After all, leaders make decisions, not cabinets, councils, or committees.
Leaders can accomplish a lot in less than three years.

The "Camelot" years weren't perfect. Nor was the 35th President of the United States a perfect leader. Neither am I. Neither are you. But if we admit our flaws, face our fears, & listen to good advice, we can accomplish a lot for the Glory of God and for the good of OTHERS.
"And so, my fellow leaders: Ask not what the Kingdom can do for you, ask what you can do (with God's help) for the Kingdom". - a paraphrase of JFK's 1961 Inaugural Address
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