You've got to move when the Spirit says move,
you've got to move when the Spirit says move,
'cause when the Spirit says move,
You've got to move when the Spirit,
move when the Spirit says move.
you've got to move when the Spirit says move,
'cause when the Spirit says move,
You've got to move when the Spirit,
move when the Spirit says move.
Years later (but still years ago) Blind (Rev.) Gary Davis & Fred McDowell penned the Blues song; "You Gotta Move" (later recorded by The Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, and The Lost Dogs). Here are some of the lyrics;
You gotta move
You gotta move
You gotta move, child
You gotta move
And when the Lord get ready
You gotta move
You gotta move
You gotta move, child
You gotta move
And when the Lord get ready
You gotta move
All that to say; it's that time again. Some International, National and Territorial appointments have already been announced, and there are more to come. I have been dealing with the Army's appointment process my whole life. I was raised by Salvation Army Officer-Parents, and I have been a Salvation Army officer for 19 years. I'm not an expert on it, but since blogging doesn't require any expertise, here goes...

Dear Leaders in our MOVEment,
Here are a few thoughts I'd like to share with you regarding moves & rumors of moves;
1. If you are an Army leader helping decide who to move and where to move them;
- I'm praying for you during this season.
- I would love to see more consultation in our process. I know there has been movement (pun intended) in this area, and I'm thankful for that. I would like to see even more consultation with field officers, and it would be great if Corps Councils could be involved as well. I would love to see more women receive appointments on the basis of their gifting, strengths, experiences, and passions.
- I acknowledge that I am naive and idealistic. I also acknowledge that these issues are complex.
- In discussing the appointment process, please be sensitive to the feelings of employees/soldiers/officers present.
- I'm praying for you during this season.
2. If you are an Army leader who is not involved in the decision process in regards to appointments;
- I'm praying for you during this season.
- Let me encourage you to complete (and be completely honest in) your annual surveys. Let me further encourage you to engage in conversation with your leaders regarding your current appointment, your family, your gifts, etc. Some Salvationitsts will strongly disagree with this approach, citing the concern that it conflicts with the concept of complete trust in the process. Fair enough. However, it makes sense to me that since humans are making the decisions, they should be well-informed decisions.
- In discussing the appointment process, please be sensitive to the feelings of employees & soldiers present.
- Let's stay in our current appointments until we leave. What I mean is, let's give our best and our all to those we are currently leading and serving, guarding against the temptation to; covet other Officers' appointments, slow down because we might be on the move, get so wrapped up in moves & rumors of moves that our current mission doesn't move forward.
- I'm praying for you during this season.
3. If you are an Army leader who is not a Salvation Army officer;
- I'm praying for you during this season.
- If you are an employee, thoughts of losing your current co-worker/supervisor can cause anxiety. Thoughts of who might replace that co-worker/supervisor can cause even more anxiety. Those are normal concerns. As another songwriter wrote; "...take it to the Lord in prayer".
- If you are a soldier, this time of year can press the pause button on the mission-movement of your corps. Don't let that happen!
- Whether you are an Army employee or soldier, can I ask a favor of you? Please avoid talking about the appointment process (moves) like it's no big deal to the Officers involved. It is a big deal. Moving is not easy for anyone. Talking about moves lightly, joking about where an officer might move, thinking out loud about who you'd like to come to your corps/institution, (or who you'd like to leave your corps/institution) is part of our culture, but not necessarily a healthy part.
- I'm praying for you during this season.
P.S. All I know is the Army in the Western Territory. I realize some portions of this blog entry do not apply to other territories. I also know that there are no easy fixes. Please consider this just one more comment in a long, healthy conversation between friends.
P.P.S. I'd like to leave you with Acts 17:28 - "For in Him we live and MOVE and have our being".
P.P.P.S. Since, like Will.I.Am, we in the Army like to "move it, move it" here's something just for fun...
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