
authentic.innovative.missional. "to Inform & Inspire leaders"

Monday, December 19, 2011

Innovation Has A Nice Ring To It - A.I.M.'s 24th shot.

120 years ago, right here in San Francisco, CA, a Salvation Army Captain put out a donation pot, which turned out to be the prototype for the Army's famous red kettle.  The pot on the wharf was innovative.  It caught people's attention.  It worked.  At some point, someone somewhere (probably a Capt.) added a bell to the pot, which brought even more attention and money to the kettle.

Last year, a Salvation Army Captain in Spokane, WA, figured out a way to bring new attention to a (then) 119 year old tradition.  He set out to set a world record for bell ringing.  He rang for 36 hours!  See part of his story here...

Last Thursday, a Salvation Army Captain (right back here in San Francisco, CA), set out to break that 36 hour record.  He succeeded, and then some!  The Golden State Division's own Captain Marcelino "Butch" Soriano rang a bell at a kettle from 9:00am on Dec. 15th - 12:00pm on Dec. 17th - 51 hours!  Here are a few pics & places where you can get more on Butch's ring-a-thon...

Butch's record-setting ring raised a lot of money (it's still being counted), raised eyebrows (one the Army's long-standing traditions), and raised awareness not just for the Army, but for the thousands of families in the SF Bay area who will celebrate Christmas this year thanks to a loving God and a generous community. 

For Whom The Bell Tolls:  Here's just part of one of the many cool conversations that took place "ring-side":  A donor stopped & commented,  I have my own record going: my son has been sober for 3 yrs; The Salvation Army saved his life.

And that's why we do what we do.  Not just bell ringing, but anything our movement is about.  We desire to be a part of the miracles God works in people's lives.  Here are a few questions AIMed at encouraging us to authentic, innovative, missional living this Christmas and on into 2012...

1.  What Army tradition might become transformational if you give it a new twist?

2.  What mundane, even monotonous activity are you involved in that just might save lives if you keep at it (not necessarily for 51 hrs. straight)?

3.  Even if you're not looking to break a record next year, what are your personal, ministry, Kingdom goals for 2012?

There were reportedly 22 or 23 others around the nation who rang their hearts (if not their ears) out last week.  We salute them all.  But Captain Marcelino "Butch" Soriano is our Divisional hero.  His love for Jesus, his family, OTHERS, the Army, and Bell Ringing just rings so true. 

Merry, Missional Christmas and A Happy, Holy New Year!

Monday, November 14, 2011

I Love To Tell The Story (in a different way) - A.I.M.'s 23rd shot.

"As far as I know, there has never been an age
that has not produced fairy tales". 
Frederick Buechner in Telling The Truth.

I'm a sucker for a good story.  Recently, two brand new television shows based on old, old stories have captured my imagination, and an hour each of my Friday & Sunday nights.  ABC's Once Upon A Time, and NBC's GRIMM, are similar in that they are based on fairy tales which have in one form or another worked their way into the "real" world.  Once Upon A Time is a lighter, more family-friendly show, (depending on the family).  GRIMM, on the other hand is, well, a bit more...grim.  It's darker, scarier, grittier.  Both story lines have twists and turns designed to keep the viewer interested, and coming back for more.  So far, I am and I will.

Among other things, these shows have got me thinking about the storytellers who have influenced my life;   Jesus, C.S. Lewis, George Lucas, J.R.R. Tolkien, Steven Spielberg, George MacDonald, John Hughes, Bob Dylan, Sid & Marty Krofft, Madeleine L'Engle, Orson Welles, Calvin Miller, Larry Norman, Gene Edwards, Bono, Aaron Sorkin, Lennon/McCartney, Walter Wangerin Jr., Terry Taylor, Alistair MacLean, my Dad, and the incomplete list goes on and on and on.  In 1987 I attended Urbana, a student missions conference held in Illinois.  One of the speakers that week was George Verwer, the founder of Operation Mobilization.  During his preach, he used the phrase "sanctified imagination".  That phrase has haunted and helped me during the 24 years since I first heard it.  Many of the storytellers on the above list have had their imaginations sanctified, and I am better for it.

Near the top of the the list of influential storytellers in my life is Frederick Buechner.  His stories speak to me in ways that are deeply spiritual, and inexplicable.  They scare me, move me, make me laugh out loud, and allow me a clear, honest (brutally?) look into my humanity, all the while pointing me to my Creator. 

In his book on preaching (one of the best I've read on the topic), Telling The Truth: The Gospel As Tragedy, Comedy & Fairy Tale, Buechner makes a convincing case for communicating creatively.  I highly recommend this book for an leader who hopes to tell the old, old, story in a new, captivating way.

What stories did you love growing up?
What kind of stories are you into these days?
What stories are you telling those you lead and serve?
And how are you telling those stories?  Is there any mystery involved, or is it fact after fun-sucking fact?
What would it take for you to tell the story you've been given in a new, creative, exciting, live-giving way?  Some time?  Some thought?  A sanctified imagination?

Baptize my mind
Baptize my eyes
Baptize my mind
For a seed to give birth to life
First it must die
-Jon Foreman

Let me encourage/challenge/implore you to tell a compelling story, so that those who have ears to hear can live happily (for)ever after.


P.S.  Here is a link to a talk a writer friend of mine (Jeffrey Overstreet - Seattle, WA) gave entitled "How Then Shall We Tell Stories?"

P.P.S.  Here's Jon Foreman (featured in the 22nd shot of A.I.M.) performing Baptize My Mind.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Foreman is The Leader A.I.M.'s 22nd shot.

Since 1996, SWITCHFOOT (first formed under the name Chin Up), has consistently and creatively called their fans to a deeper, fuller life.  They have enjoyed a fair amount of success in both the Christian & Mainstream music markets.  Last Monday night, my son Graham and I attended our 4th SWITCHFOOT concert together in as many years.  Why do I keep returning to see this band?  Well, the easy, gut level answer is a mash-up & paraphrase of Joan Jett & Donny Osmond sentiments; "I love and am a little bit Rock-n-Roll".  But there are as many Rock bands as there are fake Doctors & Judges on T.V.  What makes me dole out $25 (plus a service fee) for a SWITCHFOOT concert ticket whenever they come to town, and $12.99 - $15.00 for each new CD they create, (plus the price of a Band Aid after trying to open said CD)?  The Answer is simple:  The Foreman is the Leader

Jon Foreman faithfully and passionately fulfills the roles of lead singer, prominent songwriter, and guitar player of the band.  During last week's concert, I broke my own rules, and used my BlackBerry (sorry, guy behind me) to make a few notes of some of the leadership attributes I admire in this rocker. Even if Bach does more for you than the Beatles, there are lessons we can all learn from this Leader/Foreman.

1.  There is no barrier between him and "his people".  At a SWITCHFOOT concert, there is no shortage of security, and for the most part, the band is on stage and the crowd is not.  However, Foreman often finds himself right in the middle of the crowd.  With this act, he seems to be saying "I know I'm supposed to be the star of the show, but I'd like some company.  We're in this together."  Good leaders aren't aloof or distant.  They're right in the thick of it all.

2.  His art calls people to a fuller life.  A reoccurring theme in Foreman's writing is that the life we are called to live should be full of LIFE! (John 10:10)  Songs like; "Dare You To Move", "Meant To Live", "This Is Your Life", "New Way To Be Human", &"Thrive" are not your typical self-glorifying rock songs encouraging a life of lies.  Foreman's songs challenge (dare) the listener to really live.

3.  He continues to improve at his craft.  I only jumped on this band's wagon three CDs ago, but it's obvious to me that Foreman and his Band of Brothers (one by blood) are not interested in the perpetuating the status quo, or making mediocre music.  Jon Foreman's songwriting (for SWITCHFOOT as well as for his solo stuff and Fiction Family side-project) improves each year.  Effective leaders grow.

4.  He recognizes and appreciates his "co-workers".  I know, I know, every lead singer introduces the members of her or his band at some point in the concert.  But Jon Foreman introduces his band mates in such a way as to make the crowd believe that he really couldn't do what he does without them.  And it's not just during the introductions that this message comes trough.  Throughout the entire concert he plays off, interacts with, and shares the spotlight with those in the "cubicle" next to his.  Strong leaders let band mates enjoy solos.

5.  He is painfully aware of his imperfections.  Many of Foreman's songs, "Mess Of Me", "Thrive" & "The War Inside" to name a few, make it clear how aware he is that he is a sinner on par with the Apostle Paul who called himself "the chief of sinners".  He artfully lets the ink of his sinful nature spill into his songs, without glorifying his sinful acts.  This doesn’t repel the listener, but compels him or her to tell it like it is and live it like it can be.  Perfect leaders are the worst kind.

6.  He sings the "old stuff", but not at the expense of showcasing the "new stuff".  I could write for hours on this point alone.  Veteran concert-goers will know that a good portion of any crowd only knows and only came to hear the band’s greatest hits.  They may know the band has a new recording out, but they don’t want to hear any of it – and they make their wishes crystal clear (loudly).  Most bands submit to this nonsense.  In contrast, at last year’s SWITCHFOOT concert in SF, they played their new (at the time) CD in its entirety, track by track, in order - Unheard of!  They did play their “hits”, but only after they put their new stuff out there with all they had to give.  In whatever ministry/movement/Church you lead, there are those who only want to hear the classics.  It’s your job to expose them to what’s new.  After all, classics were brand new at some point.

7.  He's generous to those he serves.  At any SWITCHFOOT concert, Jon Foreman giveth and giveth and giveth again.  In Bono-esque fashion, he never seems to tire of singing, communicating, and climbing onto giant speakers – all for those who shelled out their (or their parents’) hard-earned cash for the show.  And speaking of the show…

8.  He puts on a show, but he's not showy.  Jon Foreman is a showman.  He was born to be under the big top, in front of a big crowd, singing about big themes.  And yet, he is at the same time unassuming and down to earth.  After a concert in Santa Cruz last year, two of my kids and I, along with a friend of mine and his girls met Jon Foreman.  He had just rocked the house, and I’m sure he was ready for bed.  However, he was right there in the moment with us, and gave us a great memory, (captured here). 

9.  He loves what he does. (See #1 from A.I.M.'s 21st shot)  There is no doubt that Jon Foreman not only loves Rock-n-Roll, but his band, his fans, and his craft!  He is not just phoning it in.  He is doing not just what he loves, but what makes him (and thousands of OTHERS) really happy.  Another of my favorite writers wrote;

“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness
and the world’s deep hunger meet.” 
 -Frederick Buechner 

10.  He knows it's bleak, yet he sings songs of hope.  Jon Foreman’s songs avoid any “pie in the sky", sugary, syrupy, sentimental, cliche-ridden trifle.  He writes about loss, pain, sin, tragedy, loneliness, darkness, hatred, evil, injustice, bigotry, poverty, responsibility, redemption, salvation, holiness, joy, laughter, light, and HOPE, always HOPE.  He is not so “heavenly minded that he’s no earthly good”.  But he IS Heavenly minded.  And his songwriting, singing, and band leading all speak to his deep desire for Heaven to breakthrough to the now!

For the uninitiated, here's a link to SWITCHFOOT's web site...

And here's a video for their song The Sound, inspired by Christian Civil Rights activist John M. Perkins;

P.S.  I  Dare You To Move your Corps/ministry/movement/Church from where it is
to where it could be. 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

20/20 - Vision - Jobs - Ministries - A.I.M.'s 21st shot.

Unless you've been enjoying a media fast this week, I'm sure you've heard that Steve Jobs (pictured here, giving the Army salute) passed away. 
I realize I am in the minority in that I don't know a lot about the man or his mission.  I'm typing this in an HP laptop.  I don't have a Mac, an iPhone or an iPad.  I do, however, have an iPod.  Okay, it's a Nano, but it gets the job done, (judge not...).  I can listen to my music whenever and wherever I choose.  For that fact alone, I'm thankful that Steve Jobs had a dream, and made it come true.  Last night, 20/20 aired a segment on his success secrets.  You can watch it here...
Among other things, I was surprised to discover that he wore the same outfit almost everyday, in order to simplify.  I should try that.   Below, you'll find some of the text from the segment.  I couldn't help but think that there is some connection between what he did, and what we're called to do.  (italics mine) - Rob

(from  How is it that a college dropout, who landed in his parents' garage and who was once kicked out of his own company, became one of the world's foremost innovators?   Consultant Carmine Gallo, the author of "The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs: How to Be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience," has made a career of sharing the success secrets of Steve Jobs. Below, Gallo lists the seven ways Jobs managed to triumph in the face of daunting circumstances and how you can do the same.

1. Do What You Love, No Matter What It Happens to Be
If you are leading a ministry, Corps, Church, Movement, etc.  I hope you love it.  If not, pray that you will fall in love with what you do.  If that doesn't happen, do something else - something you love.  Neither the world or the Church needs anymore Christian leaders who are in-like (or worse) with ministry/mission.
2. Put a Dent in the Universe   None of us are here to cruise through life.  If you are in ministry leadership, make a difference!   Go for it!  We should all AIM at leaving a ministry, Corps, Church, community healthier than we found it.
3. Say No to 1,000 Things In order  to do something of significance in ministry, in order to fulfill a vision, focus is required.  You can't do everything,  Focusing on the vital few requires saying "No" to things (which means saying "No" to people who want you to do those things).  Saying "No, Thank you" is preferred.
4. Kick Start Your Brain' by Doing Something New  There is nothing wrong with going back to the "old wells", if those wells are still working.  However, if they are dry and dusty, new initiatives are called for. 
5. Sell Dreams Not Products  Those of us in ministry leadership don't really have a product to sell anyway.  We're not door to door traveling sales people, hawking our goods.  However, it is our job (read: privilege, honor, sacred trust) to create space for inspiration and cultivate a culture of vision.
6. Create Insanely Great Experiences  Does your corporate worship experience (or any other ministry you lead) look, feel, smell, sound the same every week?  If so, WHY?  We have been created creatively in order to create creatively.  Let's put to death boredom in the Church!  Who knows, the next Steve Jobs or Billy Graham could be in the room.  Don't let them fall asleep and miss out on what you and God have for them (and us).
7. Master the Message  or the version/translation/paraphrase of your choice.  Self explanatory!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Leadership/Ministry & Lewis' Moneyball A.I.M.'s 20th shot.

In 2003, a book written by Michael Lewis was published.  The book, Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game, took a much different look at America's favorite pastime, (don't argue with me on this, soccer fans), than any other book on the subject.  I read the book, and was amazed at what I found.  I can't say that I understood the science and the mathematics of it all.  However, I knew that Billy Beane, the General Manager of the Oakland A's had approached an American institution (can we agree on that phrase at least, football fans?) in an entirely new way - a way that confounded and angered people - a way that put several more W's in the A's 2002 season than anyone (except Billy Beane) expected).  Here's a synopsis of the book;

SPOILER ALERT!! (Excerpts from Wikipedia) The central premise of Moneyball is that the collected wisdom of baseball insiders (including players, managers, coaches, scouts, and the front office) over the past century is subjective and often flawed. Statistics such as stolen bases, runs batted in, and batting average, typically used to gauge players, are relics of a 19th century view of the game and the statistics that were available at the time. The book argues that the Oakland A's' front office took advantage of more empirical gauges of player performance to field a team that could compete successfully against richer competitors in Major League Baseball....These observations often flew in the face of conventional baseball wisdom and the beliefs of many baseball scouts and executives...By re-evaluating the strategies that produce wins on the field, the 2002 Athletics, with approximately $41 million in salary, were competitive with larger market teams such as the New York Yankees, who spent over $125 million in payroll that same season...Several themes Lewis explored in the book include: insiders vs. outsiders (established traditionalists vs. upstart proponents of sabermetriics), the democratization of information causing a flattening of hierarchies, and the ruthless drive for efficiency that capitalism demands.   Moneyball also touches onto the A's methods of prospect selection...The book documents Beane's often-tense discussions with his scouting staff (who favored traditional subjective evaluation of potential rather than objective sabermetrics) in preparation for the draft to the actual draft, which defied all expectations and was considered at the time a wildly successful (if unorthodox) effort by Beane.

While on vacationmy son Graham and I saw the movie version - based on the book - based on a true story.  The movie stars Brad Pitt, Jonah Hill, Philip Seymour Hoffman, and others, all of whom give excellent performances.  But since the A.I.M. of this blog is not to review or promote movies or books, (having said that, this book and this movie are excellent) let me get to the Moneyball  ministry/leadership applications as I see them...

1.  Just because something has worked in the past, doesn't necessarily mean it is what will work in the present or the future.
2.  Every methodology is worth re-evaluating. 
3.  The message is sacred, cows aren't!
4.  Risk has its risks, (but often has its returns as well).
5.  Risk-takers are not always well liked - even (especially?) if they succeed.
6.  Our MVPs might just be our players who are currently on the bench, (or not even on the roster).

1.  New, bold ideas should be handled with care.
2.  We need to keep track of the right numbers - placing importance in the right stats.
3.  The managers need to be brought in sooner, rather than later.  This might save the bold idea from sabotage.
4.  A new approach is worth taking if the leader is convinced of its merit - regardless of whether or not it makes the leader popular.
5.  Staying to see another season through is a better decision (if you have the luxury of being a part of the decision-making process) than taking a "better" offer after a few successes.

Down the "line" with Moneyball: (all quotes from Brad Pitt's Billy Beane)

(After a terrible Oakland A's loss, Brad/Beane walks into the clubhouse to find his players partying)"Is losing fun?"  (They agree it isn't) "Then why are you having fun?"

(Brad/Beane trying to explain to his new approach to the A's top scout) "Adapt or die."

"If he's a good hitter, why isn't he hittin' good?" (Brad/Beane to a room full of his staff - all baseball lifers - who have been touting the "merits" of a player Brad/Beane doesn't want)

(Brad/Beane explaining part of the plan to some of his payers) "When the enemy's making mistakes, don't interrupt them."

(Brad/Beane to Jonah Hill's character near the end of the movie) "How can you not be romantic about Baseball?"  This last one doesn't have much of a ministry/leadership application, it just resonates with me, even though I'm a fan of the

Monday, September 19, 2011

R on R & R (through Sept. 25th) A.I.M.'s 19th shot

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest".  Jesus

"Our hearts are restless
until they find their rest in You".  Augustine

"Good leaders go on vacation,
(so do those who aspire to be good leaders)".  Me

Friday, August 12, 2011

PROPS & PRAYERS - A.I.M.'s 18th shot.

PROPS:  A few days ago, Stacy and I returned to Cali after having spent nearly two weeks away.  We were invited to Camp Wonderland in Wisconsin to conduct 7 Leadership Soapbox sessions for the Young Adult Community @ Central Bible Leadership Institute, (CBLI).  Their theme was Spiritual Authority, and Stacy and I shared on several types of leadership; In ChristEquipped, Missional, Present, Transformational, Reproductive, and Perfect (Hebrews 12:1-3). 

Eric Himes is the Director of Young Adult Ministry for the Central Territory.  He is doing a great job there, and has a fantastic, committed, and deeply spiritual leadership team working with him.  In the interest of full disclosure, Eric is a personal friend.  However, even if I had never met him before CBLI, I would be blogging about him here and now.  Eric was not only responsible for programing for the Young Adult Community experience, but as the founder/leader of The Singing Company (see A.I..M.'s 9th shot on "Holy Week", which also gives props to Commissioners Seiler - Central Territory leaders), he also led worship each day at CBLI from dawn til dark.  It's no wonder he didn't have time to pray that the Cubs game we tried to take in on Monday didn't get rained out.  Seriously, God is doing a great work in the lives of the Young Adults in the Midwest.  I'm thankful for having witnessed that work firsthand, and to personally know some of the workers, as well as many of those being worked on/in.

Here are some pics from our time at CBLI...

PRAYERS: August is the month the Golden State Division has been asked to answer the General's call to "Stay On The Wall" (Isaiah 62:6-7) and pray for Social Justice.

To spur us on in prayer, the Program & Development Depts. have teamed up to provide Golden State Lotus Notes users with daily Social Justice emails designed to help us Stay Informed, Stay Inspired, and Stay in Prayer.  These have been well-received, and have helped me personally to spend more time in prayer this month.

Here is a link to the Golden State Division's "Stay On The Wall" daily email archive...

There is even a banner hanging outside DHQ to let our community know what we're about, and to invite them to join us in praying for Justice.  This isn't the best pic of that banner.  What do you expect?I'm short, and I don't own a real camera.

To inspire and even accompany your prayers, here's Phil Laeger's song for the 24/7 prayers for justice...

May God bless you as you pray for OTHERS - and not just during the month of August.  After all, "Knees Know No Season".


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Leadership that is Baja Fresh! A.I.M.'s 17th shot.

Can a burrito change your life?  Yes!  Don't believe me?  Then you haven't tried the Wet Pork Burrito at Gordito's in the Greenwood area of Seattle, (pic here). 

Okay, maybe a burrito can't change your life.  However, David Kim, the CEO of Baja Fresh is all about transformational, life-changing leadership, as evidenced in a recent episode of Undercover Boss;

The Birksfam(-2) watched this episode tonight, and besides making me hungry, it made me want to share these life/leadership lessons from CEO David Kim.

1.  Location, Location, Location - This powerful "Burrito King" (a title he's not totally comfortable with) doesn't have a penthouse office with a view of the "little people".  He works in a cubicle - right in the thick of things - where, as he puts it; "you can hear everything".

2.  Familia es muy importante! - CEO David Kim is a family man.  He loves his wife.  He loves his kids.  He loves his Mom, (who passed away three years ago).  He loves his Dad, who has recently been diagnosed with a lung disease.  But it's not only his family that is important to David Kim.  The families of his Baja Fresh employees are important to him as well.  In this episode, he makes it possible for some of his new-found friends & co-workers to be with, enjoy, and provide for their family members.  Very cool!

3.  Faith & Work - CEO David Kim is a man of faith, but he doesn't leave it all at home (where he prays with his family before leaving).  He brings it to work with him as well.  In the episode linked above, he asks one of his "co-laborers in the Fresh" if he is a Christian.  When the cashier says "Yes", David says; "I'm a Christian too", and then proceeds to pray with him, (which he does again during the "reveal" portion of the show).  The Bible says Faith without works is dead!  Well, work without faith is not Baja Fresh! 

4.  Aware of his sinfulness - CEO David Kim is successful, and sinful.  He is painfully aware of his own sinful state, and responds to this realization with humility & penitence.

5.  Mediocrity is not an option - "Everything about Baja Fresh is about excellence", says CEO David Kim during a portion of this episode when a cooling table isn't working properly.  He makes no apologies for demanding quality.

6.  Sees the potiential in the leaders he leads - As the episode progresses, CEO David Kim quickly realizes the goldmine he has in the hourly staff & salaried managers who work for (and help generate millions of dollars for) his company.  Despite the difficulties some of them are going through personally, depsite their lack of education, despite their youth and inexperience, he sees what they can be.  So much so that he...

7.  ...Risks on a (faithFULL) hunch - SPOILER ALERT!!!!  As previously mentioned, CEO David Kim is a man of faith.  Women & Men of faith often do things that seem strange.  When he meets with his Board after his undercover experiences, David shares with them his plan to give a franchise away to one of the young managers he met.  You can tell by their reactions that a few of them think he's gone one jalapeƱo over the line.  Give a franchise away?  "Are you sure that's a good idea, David?" one of the execs asks.  His response?  "Let's train them!"

8.  Enter the Mentor!  Near the end of the episode, as he is talking with those he has met, CEO David Kim offers one of the greatest gifts one human being can give to another; time.  "I'd like to spend some time with you this year", he says to one stunned Baja Fresh employee, "to help make you a better business man".  To another (the one to whom he gives a franchise) he says; this is "going to be hard work, but don't worry, I'll be here next to you".  BAJAWESOME!

9.  There's more to life than a spicy salsa & a nice casa - Near the end, as CEO David Kim is reflecting on his Undercover Boss experience, he says; "Success isn't about achievements and money.  It's about relationships...". 

Well, that about WRAPS it up.

Most of us don't get to own our own chain of Mexican Grill Casual Dining Restaurants (darn it!).  But we can emulate David Kim's approach in whatever ministry, Church, or movement we are leading.  If we do, we may find something that grows, and makes people happy and satisfied (and may even change their life).  That reminds me, this is a pretty good book on keeping ministry real and "fresh", (pic to the right).

Happy eating, reading, and leading!


Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Leader of the Band - A.I.M.'s 16th shot.

Just watched 60 minutes, (on Wynton Marsalis - link below) and had to get a few things out...

Confession time.  I don't listen to Jazz.  I have a lot of friends who loooooove Jazz.  Most of them are older than me, (sorry guys), but a few of them are my age or younger.  I just never got into it.  I've wanted to for years, because I think people who listen to Jazz tend to be cooler than... well, people like me.  I own a lot of CDs, but I think the only Jazz CD I own is Kenny G.'s Christmas CD, (I know - that doesn't count.  Maybe a few of Sting's songs from the late 80's are the closest to Jazz that I own).  It's not a matter of not liking Jazz, as it is a matter of not understanding it.  In other words, I have a sneaking suspicion that if I understood Jazz, I might get into it (the same might be said for Algebra, tofu, and Christian Radio).  Anyway, one of the segments on tonight's 60 Minutes focussed on Wynton Marsalis, and his Jazz band's efforts to keep Jazz, one of America's greatest inventions, alive and well.  It was a great story.

Besides the story being good on the level intended, I couldn't help but pick up a few points on leadership as well.  Here are a few leadership lessons from The Leader of the Band.  Feel free to draw your own connections to the minstry, small group, Church/Corps, or movement for which you provide leadership.

1.  Wynton Marsalis Plays 4th Trumpet.  In the 60 Minutes piece, he mentions that he did try to actually lead the band he leads, but he knows his place is in the trumpet section.  That's where he serves best.

2.  Jazz Band Players Sometimes Sacrifice Solos.  Even I know that in a typical Jazz club, several solos can be heard on any given night from each musician on the stage.  However, in Wynton Marsalis' band, most of the musicians (many - the top players on their instrument of choice) will only get one solo per performance.  And they're okay with that.

3.  Music Fosters Community & Breaks Down Barriers.  In addition to trumpeting (sorry) the virtues of Jazz Music, Wynton Marsalis and the band he "leads" travel the globe as unofficial American ambassadors.  The 60 Minutes crew caught up with the band in Cuba where, for four straight days, musicians and listener/dancers alike celebrated the things they had in common instead of arguing about their differences.  Turns out Stevie Wonder was right in his song Sir Duke, an homage to music, and Jazz great Duke Ellington; "Music is a world within itself, with a language we all understand.  With an equal opportunity for all to sing, dance and clap their hands".

4.  Mistakes Are Integral To The Process.  When asked by Morley Safer asked how important mistakes are in Jazz, Marsalis answered; (paraphrase) If you aren't making mistakes, you aren't trying anything new - you're not doing it right.

Play (and Lead) On! 



One final note: 
"A real leader faces the music, even when he doesn't like the tune."   -Anon

Monday, June 20, 2011

On Ordinations, Orbiting Organizations, & Orville Wright A.I.M.'s 15th shot.

Over the June 10-12 weekend, the Birksfam joined hundreds of other Salvationists from all around the Western Territory in attending the Commencement, Commissioning & Ordination of the Ambassadors of Holiness session.  It was a great weekend, culminating in the Sunday afternoon Service of Appointments, where these newly ordained Ambassadors found out where they will begin leading & serving OTHERS as officers in The Salvation Army.  The weekend held additional significance for us, as we were able to witness the ordination of my nephew, Dan Whipple (pictured here, with his wife, Audra), my niece Ryan Boyd (and her husband Josh), my 2nd cousin Leilani Armendariz (and her husband Carlos), our "mentees" Bonita & Sean Kelsey, our new Corps Officers Sean & Harryette O'Brien, and other good friends and co-Ambassadors of Holiness.  I pray all God's best for them as they go out to do good, Kingdom work.  This particular blog post is dedicated to them.  You didn't know we did long distance dedications here at A.I.M., did you?  Hey, I grew up on Casey Kasem.

Anyway, directly following the weekend, I met with some creative types for a few days of dreaming up new ways to share the good news with the world (literally),
Part of the prep for this caucus was to read the book; Orbiting the Giant Hairball, (A Corporate Fool's Guide to Surviving with Grace) by Gordon MacKenzie.  This book was first published in 1996, but somehow I had missed it.  I did attend a good workshop based on the book at Boot Camp a few years ago, but I hadn't actually read the book until recently.  Uhhhhmmm, it's good.  Really good.  It's especially worth the read for anyone who at times feels constricted and/or confined by the layers and layers of policies & procedures which can build up (thus the "Hairball" analogy) over the many years of a large organization's existence, (hypothetically speaking, of course).  Mackenzie was a creative force at Hallmark for 30 years, so he knows a bit about the potential & potential perils of large organizations.  He suggests (and its not for everybody) that instead of succumbing to the pull of the Hairball's "relentless gravity",  or escaping to other endeavors to "avoid the threatened limbo of the Hairball", it is possible to "actively engage in the opportunities" the Hairball presents, without "being sucked into" it.  (Thus, the "Orbiting" analogy).

I have to believe he's right.

Here are a few gems from the book:

"Orbiting is responsible creativity: vigorously exploring and operating beyond the Hairball of the corporate mind set, beyond accepted models, patterns, or standards - all the while remaining connected to the spirit of the corporate mission."

"Flying off on a tangent is the first step in the process of going into Orbit."

"You can Orbit too soon, and it can turn out badly.  So it is important to grow into readiness.  And you can do just that in the Hairball.  Its tangledness can serve as protection, a briar patch - a cocoon in which to prepare for the challenges of Orbit. 
A word of caution, though:
Cocoons can be paralyzing."

"It is a common history of enterprises to begin in a state of naive groping, stumble onto success, milk the success with a vengeance and, in the process, generate systems that arrogantly turn away from the source of their original success: groping."

"...find the goals of the organization that touch your heart
and release your passion to follow those goals."

I don't want to take a lot more of your time, but I can't sign off without sharing Chapter 19 of OtGH with you in its entirety.  The title of the chapter is; Orville Wright.

"Orville Wright did not have a pilot's license."

Happy & Holy Hairball Orbiting to you all.  We need you!



P.S.  If you can get past the narrator's voice, this video has some good thoughts on going into orbit, (or at least avoiding being hypnotized by a straight line)...

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Young and the Fearless! A.I.M.'s 14th shot.

About a week ago, my oldest daughter, Emily, graduated from High School.  It was a proud moment for Stacy and me.  Mixed in with the pride was a bit of melancholy.  Thinking of her being away at college, and not at home brings about feelings I don't think any Father can adequately prepare for.  However, I'm not worried about her.  She knows who she is.  She knows whose she is.  And she knows that God has her best interest at heart (Jeremiah 29:11).  At her graduation ceremony, one of the student speakers did a great job reminding her classmates that they are prepared to go out and make life happen.  In other words, their world had been shaped and changed by their High School experience.  Now is the time for them to shape and change the world they'll encounter after High School.  And I'm sure they will.

Speaking of changing the world.  We were on vacation during the graduation celebration week.  I read a book Emily had read called The Hunger Games (I've since read it's sequel, and I am finishing the last of the trilogy).  The Hunger Games is a futuristic story about a young girl named Katniss, who seems to have been chosen by forces beyond her control to lead a rebellion against an evil system.  No spoiler alert here.  I just wanted to mention the book because there are important themes in it that warrant inspection and reflection.  This young woman is fearless, and her fighting spirit offers hope to OTHERS.  I recommend these books for young readers and for older readers who want to fight like young warriors again.

Speaking of young warriors.  Earlier this week, in observance on Memorial Day, The History Channel aired a show called Gettysburg.  I watched it with my Son, Graham.  In addition to being repulsed by the evil industry of slavery, and reminded of the horrors of war, I was struck by how many young men lost their lives in those brutal battles.  Thousands of young men fought, bled, and died without having had the chance at making their dreams come true.  But they were brave.  Man were they brave.  Those soldiers would risk their lives just to keep the flag flying, or to help a wounded brother from the battlefield.  I hope Graham grows up to be a true warrior who fights for justice.  We need more young men like that.  Young men who answer a call to risk their own wellbeing for the wellbeing of OTHERS. Young men who lead others into the fray, fearless in their pursuit to bring down strongholds of Satan.  Not with guns so much as guts.

Speaking of young men with guts.  Two of my friends, (Thijs Arens & Andrew Smith) are going on mission trips this summer with The Salvation Army.  Thijs is headed for the Dominican Republic, and Andrew will be in India.  We're having a House Concert this Saturday night to raise funds for their missions.  We hope to raise a good amount of cash for them, but we also hope it's a night of celebration.  We want to celebrate their boldness & obedience.  We want to celebrate them giving up whatever else they would've done this summer to consider the interests of people they've never met and might never see again (this side of eternity).  We want to celebrate two young adults (and many more who will be serving on other teams) who will be serving, following and leading this summer.

Speaking of leading.  What does all of this have to do with a leadership blog?  Here it is...

1.  If you are a young person or young adult reading this, be bold! (I Timothy 4:12)  You don't have to wait until you're 30 to lead something revolutionary.  In fact, if you wait until you're 30, it will most likely be too late.

2.  If you are an over 30 ministry leader reading this;  What younger person are you mentoring?  What younger person's advice are you seeking?  What younger person are you putting in places of leadership (regardless of what those even older than you might think)? 

3.  Why does there always have to be three points.  That's so old.