
authentic.innovative.missional. "to Inform & Inspire leaders"

Monday, December 19, 2011

Innovation Has A Nice Ring To It - A.I.M.'s 24th shot.

120 years ago, right here in San Francisco, CA, a Salvation Army Captain put out a donation pot, which turned out to be the prototype for the Army's famous red kettle.  The pot on the wharf was innovative.  It caught people's attention.  It worked.  At some point, someone somewhere (probably a Capt.) added a bell to the pot, which brought even more attention and money to the kettle.

Last year, a Salvation Army Captain in Spokane, WA, figured out a way to bring new attention to a (then) 119 year old tradition.  He set out to set a world record for bell ringing.  He rang for 36 hours!  See part of his story here...

Last Thursday, a Salvation Army Captain (right back here in San Francisco, CA), set out to break that 36 hour record.  He succeeded, and then some!  The Golden State Division's own Captain Marcelino "Butch" Soriano rang a bell at a kettle from 9:00am on Dec. 15th - 12:00pm on Dec. 17th - 51 hours!  Here are a few pics & places where you can get more on Butch's ring-a-thon...

Butch's record-setting ring raised a lot of money (it's still being counted), raised eyebrows (one the Army's long-standing traditions), and raised awareness not just for the Army, but for the thousands of families in the SF Bay area who will celebrate Christmas this year thanks to a loving God and a generous community. 

For Whom The Bell Tolls:  Here's just part of one of the many cool conversations that took place "ring-side":  A donor stopped & commented,  I have my own record going: my son has been sober for 3 yrs; The Salvation Army saved his life.

And that's why we do what we do.  Not just bell ringing, but anything our movement is about.  We desire to be a part of the miracles God works in people's lives.  Here are a few questions AIMed at encouraging us to authentic, innovative, missional living this Christmas and on into 2012...

1.  What Army tradition might become transformational if you give it a new twist?

2.  What mundane, even monotonous activity are you involved in that just might save lives if you keep at it (not necessarily for 51 hrs. straight)?

3.  Even if you're not looking to break a record next year, what are your personal, ministry, Kingdom goals for 2012?

There were reportedly 22 or 23 others around the nation who rang their hearts (if not their ears) out last week.  We salute them all.  But Captain Marcelino "Butch" Soriano is our Divisional hero.  His love for Jesus, his family, OTHERS, the Army, and Bell Ringing just rings so true. 

Merry, Missional Christmas and A Happy, Holy New Year!