Eric Himes is the Director of Young Adult Ministry for the Central Territory. He is doing a great job there, and has a fantastic, committed, and deeply spiritual leadership team working with him. In the interest of full disclosure, Eric is a personal friend. However, even if I had never met him before CBLI, I would be blogging about him here and now. Eric was not only responsible for programing for the Young Adult Community experience, but as the founder/leader of The Singing Company (see A.I..M.'s 9th shot on "Holy Week", which also gives props to Commissioners Seiler - Central Territory leaders), he also led worship each day at CBLI from dawn til dark. It's no wonder he didn't have time to pray that the Cubs game we tried to take in on Monday didn't get rained out. Seriously, God is doing a great work in the lives of the Young Adults in the Midwest. I'm thankful for having witnessed that work firsthand, and to personally know some of the workers, as well as many of those being worked on/in.
Here are some pics from our time at CBLI...

To spur us on in prayer, the Program & Development Depts. have teamed up to provide Golden State Lotus Notes users with daily Social Justice emails designed to help us Stay Informed, Stay Inspired, and Stay in Prayer. These have been well-received, and have helped me personally to spend more time in prayer this month.
Here is a link to the Golden State Division's "Stay On The Wall" daily email archive...

To inspire and even accompany your prayers, here's Phil Laeger's song for the 24/7 prayers for justice... God bless you as you pray for OTHERS - and not just during the month of August. After all, "Knees Know No Season".