Today was my last day "in the office" (we really weren't, shhh!) with the current leaders of The Salvation Army's Golden State Division; Lt. Colonels Joe & Shawn Posillico. They are leaving soon for their new appointment as Divisional Leaders of the Southwest Division. Today is also Valentine's Day, which is appropriate because, as the title of this blog suggests, I heart my leaders.
Joe & Shawn Posillico are the read deal! As long as I've known them, I've known them to be approachable, kind, forgiving, loving, and joyful. They remind me of Jesus. Stacy and I were honored to serve as their Corps Officers in Seattle for a year, before they were called on to lead the Golden State Division. We had no idea that five years later, they would call on us to serve with them here. As much as I didn't want to leave Seattle and our ministry there, I have to say that I'm so thankful to have had the opportunity to serve with them over these last nineteen months.
Here are just a few things I've learned about good, Godly leadership from them;
Love Jesus. I know this sounds like a no-brainer for a Christian leader, but they really love Jesus.
Love OTHERS. Again, a no-brainer perhaps, but they genuinely care about the people they lead and serve. Which brings me to #3...
Serve Jesus & OTHERS. The Posillicos don't sit in an ivory tower handing out decrees for their minions to carry out. They work alongside people, and on behalf of people.
Be humble. There have been many improvements in this division under Joe & Shawn's watch (6.5 years). They don't take the credit, but give the glory to God.
Trust your team. Nobody appreciates a micro-manager for a leader. The Posillicos don't look over the shoulders of their staff after asking them to take the lead on something. They're hands-off. This is not to say that they are uninterested, or don't have standards. They just trust that their team can do good work.
Respect & have faith in local leadership. On several occasions I have seen Joe & Shawn avoid the temptation to step in and exert authority in situations where the local leader had made a decision they didn't necessarily agree with. As long as the decision wasn't unethical, illegal, un-biblical, or against Army policy, they chose to let their leaders lead. AWESOME!
Think the best of people. These are two of the most positive, patient people I know. They don't seem to hold anything against anyone. AMAZING!
8. Offer a good hand-off. I'm not privy to all the private conversations, but it seems to me that great care has been taken in this time of transition to ensure success for our new leaders; Lt. Cols. Steve & Marcia Smith.
This list is pretty much off the top of my head. I'm sure it is nowhere near complete, and that I'll be unpacking for years the helpful leadership lessons I've learned from my time with these leaders. Hopefully I will do more than simply unpack them. Please God, help me put them into practice for your glory and the good of OTHERS.
Last night over 200 Golden Staters gathered at the San Jose Temple Corps to say "Thank You" to Lt. Cols. Posillico. Here are a few quotes from them as they addressed their division;
"Thanks for all of the many things we've done together".
Lt. Col. Shawn Posillico
"It's not what we did. It's what God did".
Lt. Col. Joe Posillico
"Thank you most of all for the love you have for the Lord,
and for how you've served Him.".
Lt. Col. Shawn Posillico
"Pray for us. Pray for your new Divisional Leaders;
Lt. Cols. Steve & Marcia Smith.
We'll pray for you. We'll miss you. And we love you".
Lt. Col. Joe Posillico
These were not just platitudes from farewelling officers. Everyone in the room knew these words came from hearts sanctified for service by the Holy Spirit of God. This was evidenced by the great number of officers coming to the platform near the end of the service to lay hands on and join in prayer for God's servant-leaders.
Thanks Joe & Shawn. Thanks for allowing me to serve and lead with you. Thank you for making it easy to follow you as you followed Christ.